


The Spatula-Brush project started with an analysis of the binomial form-function of the Spatula. The first studies were guided by intuition rather than reason. An empiric exploration of the possibilities that this cooking tool can share with us.

In my experience with the spatula, a pattern generated by the holes of the object by sliding it with acrylic awoke my interest. As the Spatula I was using had five holes, the pattern generated reminded me the print that fingers leave in the mirror when it is condensed. A mark that can remind us diverse situations awaking singular emotions.

To generate this pattern easily, I changed the morphology of the Spatula by blending the metal part with the holes. Depending on the pressure I applied to the spatula to generate a pattern and on the time I take to slide it, the results were different. 

The Spatula began to demand on me a delicate aesthetic, like a brush. The small heights that appeared on the paintings suggested me to pass from generating content on 2D to 3D. As a consequence, a series of wax sculptures was developed with the same pattern. This collection of experimentations with the Spatula-Brush marks the beginning of a distinctive approach which I have when giving shape to an object and choosing it materials. By examining the possibilities offered by morphologies and materials, the function of different artefacts can be reconsidered.