
Prometeo Knife

Prometeo Knife

The Prometeo Knife is the product of an analysis of the direct relationship between the knife and animal consumerism. 

It is impossible to disassociate the knife with death. The dimensions, materials and history of one of our first tools portray an object that was also our first support to survive. Along history, with the knife, humankind have experienced murders for pure cruelty, and the sacrifice, a gift for superior beings as we expect a better future. 

According to the Greek Mythology, this sacrifice originated with the Promethean Myth. In the moment of the separation between Gods and humans, Prometeo sacrificed an ox and divided the remains of the animal in two parts. One, disguising the bones as the tasty part with the help of the fat, and the other, with the organs of more repugnant aspect covering the eatable part of the animal.

The Greek Gods leaded by Zeus were fooled by Prometeo to chose the bones and humans remained with the meat. As a consequence, Zeus wanted to punish humanity taking the fire away of them, so we would eat the meat as beasts: raw. But Prometeo stole a spark of fire that carried to the Earth, and that we would need to preserve in order to eat meat cooked and differentiate from the beasts.

When we tasted the meat, according to Greek mythology, we sign our death sentence. With this first consumption of meat came hunger, never appeased and always renewed in us. This is the mark of humans as species whose forces are spent and exhausted little by little.

Our times are partly like the Promethean myth: the rising of the world population carries more hunger and therefore we force more the reproduction and sacrifice of the animals. But this animal consumerism has become excessive, and nature has begun to demand control throughout natural disasters. 

For the physical translation of this idea, I decided to go back to the roots of these object with the help of one of the first materials we dominated: ceramic. Representing tools inspired by primitivity, the Prometeo Knife reminds us the development of our civilization and what we must preserve.

  • The knife's edge breaks when in contact with bones, which in certain way suggests the user a responsible consumption of food.

Prometeo Knife - Creative Process